There was a time when I flew into a rage only over important things.
Things like:
People tossing tissues and other trash out of their car windows;
Monsters who club baby seals;
Religious nuts who assault children (and Catholics don't have a lock on that);
Those who mistreat animals;
Coal and gas companies that dynamite mountains and frack the countryside, contaminating our water right down to the aquifer;
The decimation of our planet's old growth forests;
People who refuse to recycle plastic or even consider takings their own bags when they market on the grounds that "the gov'mint ain't gonna tell ME what to do";
(Ditto Sarah Palin who says the same thing about Michelle Obama's suggestion that we cut down on our kid's junk food consumption);
NASCAR drivers wasting fuel driving a car in endless, purposeless circles, and the morons that watch them;
People who never stand up for what is right because they are afraid of offending someone.
See? ....all important stuff.
But I must be heading toward senility because this morning I had a hissy fit just looking at Larry King's ugly, insensitive face, from which only the most pedestrian questions and observations have ever issued.
I didn't have quite the same reaction when I saw Larry King, but I'm sure with you on all the rest. I don't think it's senility, I think it's the unwillingness to tolerate the intolerable.