Friday, May 27, 2011

O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!"

I am beside myself with delight because I am now among the favored Internet users who operate a computer with a broad band connection.

This is my first entry in a week because it has rained every day and soaked my telephone wires so much that my dial-up was reduced to practically minus bps and I couldn't even sign on, much less access anything.

My gadget-loving son came to visit last weekend with his Verizon phone-price reader-dog whistle-encyclopedia-world atlas-place finder computer and sat next to me and my molasses-moving laptop and then smartly pulled up this blog on his pocket computer before I completed a click to sign on to my account, and I am in heaven.

When we called Verizon, we discovered they provided an 'island' of service between the Hardware River and Secretarys Road...  and that's my farm! I am now connected to the rest of the world with a magical thing called MiFi.

I love you Verizon.

And, to add a gob of whipped cream, nuts and a cherry, I've discovered Keith Olbermann has returned to my life.

While his TV program on Current TV doesn't begin until June 20, he can be found here:

Now, if only I can see Michelle Bachmann, Sarah Palin and Newtie competing for the GOP primary debates, my cup will runneth over.

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