Monday, November 7, 2011

You Don't Playa the Game - You Don't Makea the Rules

Some may recall that Earl Butz, former U.S. Agriculture Secretary, lost his job because of the joke he made referencing the Pope and his edicts.

While it was pretty tasteless joke for a Cabinet member to recite publicly,  I always thought it was funny - and fair. And I am feeling more and more like defending that premise.

U.S. Wages Today

("Today" is used advisedly; they regularly vote themselves rises.)

Salary of retired U.S. Presidents..................$450,000 FOR LIFE

Salary of House/Senate members................$174,000 FOR LIFE

Salary of Speaker of the House....................$223,500 FOR LIFE

Salary of Majority/Minority Leaders...........$193,400 FOR LIFE


Average salary of soldier deployed to Afghanistan......$38,000

Average income for seniors on Social Security............$12,000


What is your guaranteed income for life?  Is it fair?  Is it safe?

The argument against "means testing" has always been a democratic one - (big and little "d" democratic). If they paid into the system, it is decreed: They are entitled to partake of the benefits.

I'm a little "d" democrat, and I'm not sure I agree at all.

What have all the above-noted political swillers at the public trough paid into "the system"?  In far too many instances what they have paid in is a small portion of the loot garnered from the benefits of their office.

Magicians - and pickpockets - are masters of deception. They have you looking at their left hand so you aren't aware they are bamboozling you with their right hand.

Class warfare? Yes, I'll sign up for that. We need to develop a battle plan to defend ourselves. But first we need to find out who the enemy is. Could it be the "politician class" in league with the "oil/industrial military/banking/investment class against us - we  who just want a nice house, a well fed family and a productive job with adequate security. 

How many of us have a $200,000 a year pension FOR LIFE?

Maybe we need to get our attention redirected to the source of our trouble. Those guys who make the rules may need a reality adjustment. 

When you go to the polls tomorrow, keep in mind the fact that the guy or gal you are voting for is on your payroll FOR LIFE!


 Above figures published by Keith Olbermann

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