Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Woman of the World

 About me: When I was a girl, this declaration would not have been looked on as a plus. However, I freely admit to being a woman of the world. That means, among other things, I have had husbands, lovers and children....not necessarily in that order. 
Beyond that, I have traveled extensively, although I have missed the whole far eastern half of the hemisphere. I've eaten well...too well in the last few years. I've dined in some of the world's finest restaurants and in some dives.

I've climbed a volcano; searched the Amazon for pink dolphin; water skied  in a moat at the Danbury State Fair; had a life-sized photo of me in a bathing suit erected at the New York Boat Show touting Tuffy Pumps (much to my mother's dismay), sailed all the windward and leeward Caribbean islands and been to nearly every state in the U.S.
I've lived in Manhattan, been to boarding school, went  to tea dances at The Pierre, cocktailed at Toots Shor's and 21, dined at the Stork Club, dated boys from Princeton, Lehigh, Lafayette and Annapolis, worked for Hy Gardner on the old Herald Tribune, did some P.R., wrote advertising copy,  wrote for newspapers and magazines and then lived a thoroughly modern small-town life of a young matron doing all the small town society thing.

I've had two husbands and three children....not to mention a veritable league of dogs, cats, fish and birds.

At the itchy age of 40 something, I exchanged my upscale suburban home, replete with amazing new kitchen and kidney-shaped swimming pool, and bought a Virginia farm a stone's throw from Monticello where I labored for a number of years mucking manure, pulling crias out of llama mamas, and arguing with hay dealers.
And now I am a widow and a very content lady of leisure, having passed all my responsibilities (except for my Pyr and my cats) onto my daughter's able shoulders.

To be happy, all I need is a never-ending supply of books and occasional lively conversation...which I sometimes find on Facebook!
If I am not a woman of the world, could anyone tell me what I have missed...and how I go about finding it?


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